Težavnost Bitcoina je po četrtem zaporednem povečanju dosegla novo najvišjo vrednost vseh časov

aprila 6, 2023, Težave Bitcoina so se povečale 2.23% višje pri višini bloka 784,224, dotaknil še en rekord vseh časov. To je četrto zaporedno povečanje težav v omrežju Bitcoin od februarja. 24, in trenutna težava protokola je 47.89 bilijon, which is only

Bitcoin omrežje se pripravlja na nov skok težav, saj Hashrate ostaja močan in rudarji dobiček sredi skoka cen

Po zadnjih dveh težavah se v omrežju Bitcoin poveča, marca naj bi prišlo do novega povečanja težavnosti 24, 2023. Statistični podatki kažejo, da Bitcoin’s hashrate je kljub zadnjima dvema prilagoditvama ostal visok, and block times have been

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty Reaches All-Time High as Miners Face Second-Largest Increase This Year

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty reached an all-time high (ATH) on Feb. 24, 2023, v višini bloka #778,176, doseganje 43.05 trillion hashes and surpassing the 40 trillion mark for the first time ever. The networks difficulty increased by 9.95%, which is the second-largest

GAIMIN Delivers a Decentralized Approach to the Increasing Requirement for More Data Processing Power

The world-wide demand for data processing is increasing year-on-year, with data processing applications requiring ever increasing performance from data processing devices and services. Industries, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), video rendering, powering blockchain computations, scientific simulations and research, financial modeling and

While Miners Deal With Low BTC Prices, Bitcoin’s Mining Difficulty Target Expected to Increase 3% višje

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty target is expected to increase on Dec. 19, 2022, after printing the largest reduction recorded in 2022 on Dec. 5, v višini bloka 766,080. Med zadnjim 2,016 bloki, Bitcoin’s hashrate has been around 254.3 exahash na sekundo…

Diapozitivi za težavnost Bitcoina 7.32%, Zmanjšanje pomeni največji padec 2022

dne dec. 5, 2022, v višini bloka 766,080, Bitcoin’s mining difficulty adjustment dropped 7.32% nižje, making it the largest difficulty reduction in 2022. The current difficulty is approximately 34.24 trillion and it will remain at this point for the next two

Bitcoin’s Total Hashrate Slides Lower in December as BTC Miners Struggle for Profits

While bitcoin prices have been lower than the estimated cost of bitcoin production, omrežje’s hashrate has dropped a great deal since mid-November. Trenutno, the total hashrate dedicated to the Bitcoin network is coasting along at 236 exahash na sekundo (EH/s)…

Data Shows There’s No Profits Left for Bitcoin Miners That Can’t Obtain Cheap Electricity, Run Efficient Mining Rigs

During the last few weeks bitcoin’s cost of production has been higher than the leading crypto asset’s spot market value and in turn, this has put massive pressure on bitcoin miners. On Nov. 30, 2022, statistics show if miners paying for

Rudarji bitcoinov se soočajo s stisko, saj proizvodni stroški BTC ostajajo precej nad promptno tržno vrednostjo

Rudarji bitcoinov se po nedavnem povečanju prilagoditve težavnosti novembra spopadajo z velikim pritiskom. 20, 2022, vrednost vodilnega kriptosredstva pa še naprej pada v primerjavi z ZDA. dolar po FTX’s kolapsom. To kaže statistika, ki smo jo zabeležili pretekli konec tedna…

Core Scientific Shares Downgraded After SEC Filing Hints at Possible Bankruptcy

One of the largest publicly listed bitcoin miners, Core Scientific, has shaken investors with a recent filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that raises the possibility the company may apply for bankruptcy protection. The filing notes that Core Scientific